The Goat Path

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The Year of the Goat

Ok, so technically, 2022 is the year of the Tiger and the next year of the Goat is actually in 2027.

Fine, but I actually don’t care.

Amid the noise of New Years Resolutions and “New Year, New Me” mantras, it’s easy to dismiss this idea as pure attention-seeking bluster; something everyone says at the beginning of the year without the motivation or necessary skills to continue working towards those goals.

That said, I’m 33 days sober, I’ve gone a week without chewing tobacco, and I have therapy appointments scheduled in the next few weeks.

Within the next month, Remmy and I will be getting a new space— a place more conducive to the work/creative life balance (and more belly rubs for Remmy).

As much as the last few months of 2021 were awful (capped off by Betty White’s death ON NEW YEARS EVE!) and as small as these accomplishments are, I have some hope that these little victories will get 2022 started on the right foot.

I don’t offer a list of resolutions or goals for the year, I don’t have plans to rebrand and relaunch this site into something different, and I’m not promising 2022 will be better because there’s 364 days of it left to navigate.

All I offer is hope.

Hope that something good comes in 2022.

Hope that everyone survives whatever comes in the next 12 months.

Hope that, despite the bad that may come, we all remember where to find our smiles.

It’s not a lot but it could be enough.

So here’s hoping the new year brings you and yours some semblance of peace and serenity.

Keep your feet moving.